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From discovery stage to exit strategy. 

At some point I found it valuable to approach marketing as any other business and look beyond marketing for inputs, processes and outputs that affects a business. 

Being unique is not enough. 

Finding the "sweet spot" between your story, the customer story and the market story is critical to any business. Being unique is great, but if the market and customers can't identify how, that spells trouble. 

High level approach to reverse engineering any project. 

All projects can be broken down to three major parts. Inputs stage, processes stage and output stage. I have found this approach to be helpful throughout my career. 


Company Operations Manual. 

Sometimes you join a start-up and sometimes you join a "start-up". I say if it does not exist and is it, no matter if it falls under your traditional sandbox or not. This company needed a full training and operations manual for new employees as it grew so the Total Quality Leadership System was created and provided a great foundation for all company day to day operations. 

And many more, but you get the idea. 

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